A sighthearing experience
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
Hellen Keller
That there are over 40 million blind people worldwide. Most of them live in poor countries.
We want to help them by developing an affordable sensory substitution device.
Is a flexible task machine. Recent discoveries in neuroscience show that for the brain it does not matter which sense is used to feed the information. In other words you can activate visual cortex through your ears.
Is a novel method for image sonification. The method is inspired by a human visual system.
Information about color is coded into sound which is easy to understand.
The main reason why sensory substitution devices are not widely used by visually impaired is simple. People don't know that such devices exist. That's why we need your help!
Consists of glasses frame equipped with a camera, ultrasonic distance sensor and a bone conducting headphones. We can use an usual tablet or NI MyRIO as a processing unit.
It is still a prototype, but we hope to develop a device that will be light, easy to wear and good looking and most of all, will help visually impaired in everyday tasks.

Is to develop an affordable visual sensory substitution device. In order to do it we will develop a Colorophone smartphone app which will be working togehter with the Colorophone glasses. The hardware will be compatible with USB interface and therfore it will be possible to use it with other sensory substitution methods as vOICe or eyeMusic.
The second step will be to implement full Colorophone system in a glasses frame.
If you find our project interesting, please drop us a line.
One of the challenges connected to development of sensory substitution devices is money. You cannot make money ouf of it - that is why big companies are not interested in these systems.
Our motto at NTNU is "Knowledge for a better world" and we hope that we can make a world a bit better place by helping others. In order to do this we need your help with sharing the information about sensory substitution devices.
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